Saturday, January 31, 2009

Work that - Teriyaki Boyz & Pharrell

Kanye West imports some new styles on this one. The Teriyaki Boys blend Japanese and English lyrics into a flow of its own...and it works! Check out the video and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

DJ Iceburrg mix - Smashed 09 Level 1

It is finally here..!! DJ Iceburrg delivers his electro-funky-smoothed out-on a poopoo platter mix ("Kwiky Style"). So check out below to peep the SoFreshLA mix. Don't forget to check out his site here for more info!!

Smashed 09 Level 1 MIX

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy New Year

We are working on fixing some issues we had with the site. We should be up and running in a few days. I have a few "oh so fresh" posts locked, loaded, and ready to roll! So check out this funky-dope video from Chords & Timbuktu "Get Fizzy." It takes a sec to build but its FRESH!


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