Friday, May 15, 2009

It is all the same to me : Shoe talk

There are just some things that I don't like about fashion... and one of those things is when it hits that super trendy wave (*cough *cough... the skinny jeans epidemic) and everything looks the same. I don't have anything against the posted pics above (Jay-Z,Asics,and Reebok), but it all looks the same to me. But I guess when you are trying to cater to certain trend and style, you end up having to look like everyone else (... I think that is the definition of trendy). In that case, the "NEW TREND" is actually an oxymoron!!!
Well here is a track that is definitely not an oxymoron. Think Common and Kanye West thrown over a laced Neptune beat... Take a listen here. (Not sure how long this link will be active.)


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