Well the 1st few days have been very interesting down here. I'm surprised on how much control they give me. They pretty much told me to "Do what you do...!" So I can't really complain. There is an MC that helps me out, and makes it even easier to get crowd participation (yes.. I said it..) Some of the corny songs that are widely used in th States... really work here!
I think I'm stating to get a feel for here. I think as I do a few more nights, it will become even more fun.. but c'mon, doing what you love in Paradise, can I really complain?
I have been contemplating snorkeling today, but I'm just not feeling up to it today. Only 4 hours of sleep has it's effect. I'll start posting pics when I can remember to use my camera.
Until the next internet Cafe I find... Ciao!
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