Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shlomo vs MJ vs DJ Yoda - I want you back

I thought this was well worthy of posting. I'm a fan of Beatboxing, Micheal Jackson, and DJ'ing!! Mix them together and you get a FRESH session by beatboxer Shlomo, DJ Yoda, and the 6 year old Phenom MJ. This was actually back in 2008 if my referencing of vidz serves me right. I haven't been the biggest follower of Sholomo's work, but I've heard some of his creative material. I'm sure you can just YOUTUBE him and find stuff. But peep the vid and our bonus track below...

Speaking of MJ's "I want you back", here is a little tidbit of Freshness for you. -Enjoy
Baby I Want You Back (Jackson 5 vs Breakbot) by Daytrips


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